COVID Safety / Terms & Conditions

At Treasure Trunk Theatre, the health and safety of our students, staff, and families is of utmost importance. Please be aware that we have put into place specific safety procedures to address the risks and concerns with Covid-19.

We are following all guidelines and safety protocol as directed by the DOH. We also look to the CDC and DOE for additional guidance. We are staying up to date with any changes that are made and will update our procedures accordingly when new information is made available. COVID safety protocols for our programs may change by the start date of your class or camp in order to comply with changes from New York City, DOH, and/or the CDC. All registered students will be contacted as changes occur. Please always reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

By registering for our programs, you are agreeing to follow all safety procedures outlined below. 

We thank you in advance for your cooperation in keeping our community safe.

Current Covid Policies and Safety Procedures:

Starting September 12th, 2022, the following policies and safety procedures are in place:


Treasure Trunk Theatre requires full vaccination for all staff and teachers, and all teachers and staff are fully vaccinated and boosted. Vaccination is highly encouraged for all students and grown-ups accompanying students to class, but not required.


Masks are not required at this time. If you would like your child to wear a mask during class, please let the teachers know and please bring extra masks in their backpacks in case they need to be changed.


Air circulation and air purification is central to our mitigation plans. Our studio is equipped with a Medify MA-40 Air Purifier with H13 True HEPA Filter. Doors will be propped open when appropriate and safe to do so for additional ventilation.

Covid Exposure

If a teacher or a grownup that accompanies your child to class has a known exposure, they will be required to take a rapid test on day 3, 4, and 5, before attending each morning. We will also require them to mask through day 5 since the exposure.

If a child has a known exposure, we will ask them to take a rapid test on day 3, 4, and 5, before attending each morning. If they are over the age of two, masking is required through day 5 of the exposure.

Positive Case of Covid-19

After testing positive for Covid-19, please notify us of the first date of your symptoms and/or positive test. To return to class, students and teachers will be required to be on day 6 and testing negative on TWO rapid tests, taken 24 hours apart.

In the event that a teacher, staff member, or child enrolled in our program tests positive for Covid-19, Treasure Trunk Theatre will notify state and health departments and cooperate with contact tracing, including notifying potential contacts, including families of the children who had close contact with the individual, while maintaining confidentiality that is required by state and federal law and regulations.


It is important for the health of all in our community that you keep your child home when they are not feeling well. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have adopted a zero tolerance policy for illnesses or symptoms of illness as outlined below.

When there is fever (100.0 F), diarrhea, vomiting or any other cold or flu-like symptoms , you must keep your child home. We must receive a negative Covid test (rapid or PCR) prior to returning to class. Your child must also be fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication.

Enhanced Cleaning Protocols

There will be intense, daily cleaning of common use spaces and high touch surfaces (doorknobs, stair rails, common areas, etc.) as well as deep cleaning each night. Materials in each classroom will be cleaned and sanitized.


For all programming held within schools, we will follow the policies and rules set for that location.

All teachers and staff are fully vaccinated and boosted, and will be masked for indoor classes & camps.

Our studio is equipped with a Medify MA-40 Air Purifier with H13 True HEPA Filter

All materials and our studio are fully sanitized after every use.

Children will be asked to sanitize their hands before class starts, and before/after any snack or lunch is eaten. Our teacher will have sanitizer on hand or you are welcome to use your own.

Please do not attend class/camp if you or your child is feeling unwell. Children should be fever-free for 24hrs without the use of medication before returning to Treasure Trunk programming. We reserve the right to contact families if a child is visibly ill during our programming and request a negative Covid test before returning.

If your child tests positive for Covid-19, or has had exposure as a close contact, please contact us immediately so we can inform you of the current quarantine protocol. Currently any child who has close contact exposure and is not fully vaccinated, will be asked to not return to our programming until day 6 since exposure, and with a negative antigen or PCR test result.

Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our staff and students safe.

Our programming has been designed to reduce the sharing of materials between students. Supplies that cannot be individually assigned to each student will be regularly disinfected with Medical-grade, EPA-registered cleaners, which are designated effective against the COVID-19 virus.

In the event that a teacher, staff member, or child enrolled in our program tests positive for Covid-19, Treasure Trunk Theatre will notify state and health departments and cooperate with contact tracing, including notifying potential contacts, including families of the children who had close contact with the individual, while maintaining confidentiality that is required by state and federal law and regulations.

By registering for Treasure Trunk Theatre’s programming, I acknowledge that Treasure Trunk Theatre has the right to request a caregiver/designated adult accompany my child for the full duration of their camp day in the event that they are displaying dangerous behavior to themselves, our teachers, or other children. This includes, but is not limited to, persistently leaving our camp area. 

In the event that I cannot provide a designated adult to accompany my child for their camp day to provide a safe environment for the camp as a whole, I understand that my child will not be permitted to attend camp and a refund or credit is not guaranteed. 

Terms and Conditions

Release and Waiver:

I understand that acting and movement instruction require physical exertion. I acknowledge that injury may result during instruction, including but not limited to as a result of physical contact with other students, instructors, or fixed or movable objects.

I agree to assume all risks associated with my child participating in acting instruction. I represent that my child is medically and physically able to participate in an acting and movement class. In view of the foregoing, and as a term and condition of receiving instruction from Treasure Trunk Theatre and its representatives. I, my spouse, and legal representatives expressly release Elisa Pupko, Treasure Trunk Theatre, LLC, and the physical facility from all liability.

For our full cancellation and make up policies, please see our FAQ page.